Just In Time App

This free app experience (no download required) is for everyday citizens who want to understand and share with others critical information on how to recognize and respond to human trafficking.  Check it out today!

Access the Just In Time Tool

The Problem

Did you know that there are currently over 50 million individuals experiencing human trafficking? No nation and no community is immune.  And yet, less than 1% of victims are ever identified.   That means EVERYONE needs to understand the signs of human trafficking that you might see in your community and know how to report it.  The Just In Time app provides accurate, actionable, and shareable information so that we can overcome the key problem of:

People who CAN HELP

don't know how to recognize and respond to human trafficking in their local communities.

The Solution

Make Education Easy

so that all those who are in a position to recognize and respond to human trafficking can make a difference. their local communities their native language

...specific to their unique role

...with local calls to action

...and local resources for help.

The Goals

Scan a code. Save a life.

Our goal is to equip frontline professionals and community members to recognize and respond to human trafficking, including: healthcare professionals, law enforcement, educators, direct service providers, social workers, nonprofit leaders, concerned citizens, and more.

  • Increase Awareness

  • Increase profession-specific education and community specific knowledge

  • Increase identifications

  • Increase data-driven insights to enhance local community action & collaboration

  • Improve correct action in-the-moment and care for those in need.

The Partnership

Justice U and Viiision are proud to partner together to provide innovative and impactful solutions to help communities end and prevent human trafficking.


Our Belief

Human trafficking does not have to exist in our world today.
But it will take a world of people to end it.
Every person is uniquely positioned to make a difference.

Together, change can happen.

Access the Just In Time Tool