Modern expert-driven education that equips you to help end human trafficking 

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Justice U provides education and resources for justice advocates everywhere to engage in efforts to end human trafficking. You are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution.

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Learn How to End Human Trafficking

Start the Justice U™
Online Course Series

The Learn How to End Human Trafficking online series includes three courses, each with its own badge. The first course is completely free. Start today!

Ready for the full series?

Sign up now to receive all three courses for $25:


Just In Time Solution with Implementation Support for Healthcare

Equip your healthcare providers to recognize and respond to human trafficking in your local community.

Healthcare Response to Human Trafficking Series

Because every healthcare professional should be equipped to
RECOGNIZE & RESPOND TO human trafficking

Together, we can help end human trafficking.

To sign up, fill out each step below, including payment details as the final step. You’ll receive details to access your new learning resources by email. 

$50.00 Total

Includes: Justice U online certification series and 1 year of toolkits and resources from Engage Together.

Sign up below for this special offer:

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