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Human trafficking is the sale of men, women, and children for sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, or organ trafficking. It is an evil trade that profits billions of dollars every year by enslaving and exploiting millions of souls in the United States and all around the world. Learn more.

Justice U is an online learning platform built to help everyone and anyone with a desire to make a difference to learn what they need to know to advocate against human trafficking in their community.  

All courses are online and completely self-paced. Courses can be started and finished at any time.

Each course generally takes learners between 1-2 hours to complete.

The “Learn How to End Human Trafficking” series has three online courses.

In the first course, Human Trafficking Awareness, you will learn what human trafficking is, including common myths v. facts, how to recognize red flags, how to safely report, and more.  This course awards the Justice U: Human Trafficking Awareness Badge when passed.

In the second course, Strategy to End Human Trafficking, you will learn about the importance of strategy and all the things you need to consider in your local community context to engage and prevent human trafficking effectively. This course awards the Justice U: Strategy to End Human Trafficking Badge when passed.

In the third and final course, My Role to End Human Trafficking, you will learn how your personal and professional life, skills, and interests create opportunities for you to take meaningful action and make an impact. This course awards the Justice U: My Role to End Human Trafficking Badge when passed.

Once you complete all three courses, you earn your Justice U: Awareness and Strategy to End Human Trafficking Certification.

You are uniquely positioned.

Justice U provides education and resources for justice advocates everywhere to engage in efforts to end human trafficking. You are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution.

Where would you like to begin?

Individuals: Discover ways for individuals to learn & engage.
Businesses: Take the Business Pledge to End Human Trafficking.
Healthcare: Discover courses for healthcare professionals.
Community Groups
Community Groups: Get access to toolkits and resources for every role.
Parents and Guardians
Parents & Guardians: Get the free Online Safety Toolkit.

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