
Learn with us. End human trafficking.

Justice U is a learning platform that quickly delivers knowledge from experts in the anti-trafficking movement to audiences who need it, with tools every modern learner needs today.

Sign up today with Justice U to learn how to end human trafficking

Human trafficking happens everywhere—in the United States and all around the world. To end it, everyone is needed, including you.  But first, you need to get equipped to take action. 

when you sign up, you’ll get all of these resources


Earn your Justice U™
Human Trafficking Awareness & Strategy Certification
($50 value)

Take Action

Get Additional Help with Engage Together® Toolkits
and resources
($25 value)

When you register for the Learn How To End Human Trafficking Series with Justice U, you will receive a code for free access to the Engage Together Toolkit Plus and all related resources.
Proceeds from all Justice U courses and offerings support the work to end human trafficking.

Why should you learn with Justice U?

Hear from Ashleigh Chapman, Founder of Justice U, about her journey and what you can do to be part of the solution to end human trafficking; right where you are.

Together, we can help end human trafficking.

To sign up, fill out each step below, including payment details as the final step. You’ll receive details to access your new learning resources by email. 

$50.00 Total

Includes: Justice U online certification series and 1 year of toolkits and resources from Engage Together.

Sign up below for this special offer:

Get to know Justice U

The fact is: human trafficking is happening everywhere.  No nation and no community is immune. To become part of the solution to end it, the essential first step is gaining the knowledge you need.

That’s where Justice U comes in.

Justice U is a new learning platform that quickly delivers knowledge from experts in the anti-trafficking movement to massive audiences who need it, with the tools every modern learner needs today.

Justice U™ was created by AFRJ®, and is powered by Altus™.

Join the movement
to end human trafficking

With Justice U Learners & Counting

What Justice U learners are saying...

"Great information, followed up by statistics and citations on the same page. That was very helpful and refreshing to see."
"The course enlightened me greatly about human trafficking."
"I like the organization and flow of the program. It is easy to understand and follow."
"The story was very engaging...makes you really tap into another person's story."
"Now I know how to recognize human trafficking and know that it happens here in the U.S. also."
"The signs of human trafficking were very helpful, as well as the myths/facts."
"I learned a lot about how widespread this social concern is for our local communities and globally."
"I appreciated the fact that different learning styles were addressed... videos, quizzes, reviews within videos, transcripts, summaries."

Thank you to our promotional partners.


Just want to stay updated for now?

We’re glad to keep you updated throughout the summer about this learning opportunity and more. Just sign up here, and we will send you more information.

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